The Ontario Home Builders’ Association (OHBA) represents the voice of the residential construction industry in Ontario. OHBA is part of a three-tiered membership system, which means to become a member of OHBA you first join your local home builders’ association (HBA) and then automatically become a member of OHBA and the Canadian Home Builders’ Association (CHBA). This means that you will have have access to support on a local, provincial, and national level.

OHBA has over 4,000 members in 28 local chapter associations across Ontario and CHBA has over 9,000 members across 9 provinces in Canada.

Local HBAs are the heart of our association. They support member businesses at a grass roots level, helping members navigate local regulations, fostering

OHBA and other provincial associations give a voice to the housing sector at the provincial level. OHBA, for example, does so through several councils and committees that cover a range of topics. These groups of industry experts are tasked with discussing, analyzed, and proposing solutions to the diverse array of challenges the residential construction industry faces.

CHBA shapes housing policy on a national level, leveraging its expertise and relationships in the federal government to advocate for the housing sector and help build more homes.