As the provincial election looms, where do party leaders stand on housing issues? On or before June 2, Ontarians will head to the polls to determine who will lead them into the immediate future, [...]
When casting your ballot, you need to ask who offers the best devices to address a mounting crisis As we prepare to head to the polls, many Ontarians are wondering whether they can afford a place [...]
Time, money and a whole new set of parameters is making sustainable building and transparency a challenge—but a necessary one Halfway through his webinar, Purposeful Disruption: Change for Good, [...]
COVID-19, millennial influence driving kitchen & bath trends The National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA), a leader in providing tools, research, certification and events for its 50,000 [...]
With accessible design making strides, builders’ options are growing When Linda Kafka’s mother and others of that generation had to incorporate accessibility products and features [...]
Price rise expect to slow, but other factors confound the economic experts Inflation. Rising interest rates. A trades shortage. Housing supply. A looming provincial election. Supply-chain delays [...]
Succession planning within the family gets a boost It seemed like an obvious inequity—that you got taxed more harshly if you tried to sell the family business to children or grandchildren than if [...]
New report highlights urgent need to accommodate projected growth The recent federal election officially opens the political season in Ontario, with the provincial election scheduled on or before [...]
10 Dazzling designs that allow the architecture to sing Artists don’t like you cutting part of their canvas off in the middle of a painting, nor do writers take kindly to their stories being [...]
New regulations are breaking ground on excess soil management It’s rather difficult to build a home or condo without having a little dirt left over. OK, a lot of dirt. In fact, an estimated [...]