0 Renovator Of The YearThe Whole Package Amsted goes the extra mile in retaining reno crown ... READ MORE
0 The Go-To GuySt. Catharines' McShane has gone from humble entrepreneur to humble OHBA bulldog READ MORE
0 Comfort ZoneNeil Rodgers Has Hiked The Inca Trail And Been To Mount Everest. But He Has Never Been Better Prepared Than For His Next Challenge As OHBA's Incoming President READ MORE
0 The Big Potential of Thinking Smallwith increased urban intensification and spiralling prices, some developers are building cozier, more efficient places to call home READ MORE
0 Land of Fire and Ice…And Geothermal EnergyOHBA Tour Showcases the Advantages of Iceland's Unique Geology READ MORE
0 No Place To HideA renewed commitment by the Ontario government promises to better expose - and address - the underground economy READ MORE
0 The Ties That BindForging relationships with building officials makes life easier for renovators READ MORE