It’s time for bold leadership to fix the housing issues facing Ontario communities The urban dictionary defines the term, “elephant in the room” as “a very large issue that everyone is [...]
By freezing development in its path, interim control bylaws can have unintended consequences describes the word Draconian as, “of, relating to, or characteristic of the Athenian [...]
The obvious—and not so obvious—elements that define luxury home building “It’s about using stone and brick, not stucco; and natural stone, not veneer. It’s the extra things that go into the [...]
Why Ontario’s new Growth Plan could be good news for builders On May 2, 2019, the Government of Ontario released its highly anticipated policy document for stakeholders in the land development [...]
Keeping a reno rolling smoothly from end to end A home renovation guide from the professionals Even the most straightforward renovation project usually has bumps along the road before it reaches [...]
How to manage the mess and protect your project Why cleanliness on job sites is important Contractors know about client stress. They’ve all seen how having one’s home torn apart for weeks on [...]
The technical, legal and physical challenges of preserving the past Preserving heritage homes for future generations We’ve all heard the expression “if these walls could talk.” For the [...]
Puerto Rico humanitarian missions have left an imprint on locals and volunteers alike It’s been a rough few years for 73-year-old Raul Negron, a farmworker who lives in the remote mountain [...]
Modern factory efficiencies and guaranteed completion dates are making modular homes the perfect fit for many homebuyers It’s mid-January in the Morewood head sales office of Guildcrest Homes, a [...]