Smart Watch

Online video surveillance and security moves ahead of the curve You never know what might go missing from a construction site. Traditionally it’s tools and appliances; oftentimes copper wire and [...]


Changing Minds

The pandemic has homebuyers thinking differently “We came over from England two years ago and were renting in Yorkville. But with Covid, our jobs went, and rents were crazy,” says Mackinnon. “The [...]


I’ll Never Forget You

Four Renovators Deconstruct Their Most Memorable Projects A dream. That’s where a renovation journey often begins. The conversation over warm lighting in comfortable surroundings might have [...]


Community Caremongering

OHBA members have shone during the pandemic   Canadian author Charles de Lint once observed, “Every time you do a good deed, you shine the light a little farther into the dark. And the thing [...]


Braving The Storm

COVID-19 has forced industry members to navigate uncharted waters, but there is light on the horizon As the saying goes, diamonds are formed under pressure. Although the past few months have been [...]


Stair Masters

Taking design to the next level Some people think of stairs simply as a means of getting from one level to the next. But as a central artery in the composition of homes and buildings, there’s an [...]


Enjoy The Ride

Work vehicles are decked out more than ever Rides are getting smoother and amenities more plush, with pickup truck manufacturers making further strides in 2020 to blur the line between [...]


Healthy Choices

Mind and body design practices are alive and well. They are embracing forest bathing and farm-to-table dining. They are wearing fitness trackers, meditating more, consuming less meat and more [...]


Casting Call

Why precast concrete has an increasing role to play When traditional wood and steel construction has consistently provided a successful and predictable outcome for most residential builders, it [...]